Monday, February 2, 2009

in san jose

Well, I wasn't going to update my blog until after returning from Limon, which will be on the 8th, but I am at a hostel in San Jose and figured I might as well give everyone a quick update.

A couple of weekends ago, the other volunteers and I visited the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. We went to a beach called Cahuita and it was beautiful! It was like a mini Jamaica in Costa Rica. We heard a lot of people saying phrases such as yah maan and such. Cahuita was a small town that had two main beaches. One of the beaches had black sand and the other white sand. We spent most of our time on the beach with the black sand mainly because none of us had ever been to a beach with black sand. During our first day on the beach, it started to rain. Since we have become increasingly aware of Costa Rican weather and knew that it might be pouring one minute and sunny the next, we decided to go in the was way warmer in the ocean then on the beach...and wait out the rain. It was definitely a cool sensation to be in a warm ocean in the rain. Eventually, it stopped raining and we were able to enjoy the beach once more. We ate a lot of good food, a few drinks and danced A LOT! The weekend was a lot of fun and a good chance for the other volunteers and I to relax a bit after our week of practicum and Spanish classes.

Orientation is officially over. It ended on the 31st and I headed back to Manuel Antonio. The bus ride is getting much easier. I didn't get sick at all and on the way back into San Jose, I was actually able to watch what was going on outside without my stomach turning. Progress. It was nice to be able to unpack in Manuel Antonio. While in Orosi, I didn't want to unpack everything because I was only going to be there for a month. I was able to get myself situated in Manuel Antonio and although my underwear is in a tubberware, I feel like I have established myself in a room. I have a home. I absolutely love my family so far in Manuel Antonio. They are super patient with my Spanish and remind each other to speak slowly when speaking with host brother tends to forget I am not quite on his level of Spanish yet.

We are currently staying in San Jose for the night because tomorrow we are off to help build emergency shelters in Bataan, Limon. Each year, WorldTeach volunteers are required to do one extra group project. This year, we decided to help with hurricane relief through an organization called Techos de mi Pais...translation - The roof of my country. I was able to borrow a hammer from my host family and bought a tape measure and work gloves at the hardware store. We meet the rest of the group we will be traveling to Limon with tomorrow at noon. I promise to give you all a full update on the trip when I return.

To all my cardinals fans - it was a good game. Myself and a few of my fellow volunteers watched the game at a bar in Manuel Antonio. I was able to get almost everyone to cheer for the Cardinals! It was a close game and a fun one to watch.

I love you all. To those at SSJ, good luck in Mexico! Good luck to you too Nick. I hope you are all well and please write me! I love hearing what is going on at home!

Paz y Amor.


  1. So, funny AIMS writing class is working on idea and content development and their prompt was to brainstorm a list of things they would like to change about the school and then they had to share with the class (only 8 students). Well one student said we should change the desks. And another said, and I quote, "yeah, that would be tight, huh, to have vibrating chairs." Hmmm, slightly inappropriate, but I don't think he even relized and then the other students were like yeah that would be tight dude...I would so enjoy reading a whole essay about that :)

  2. Well it sounds like you are learning much more Spanish than I am. i am working on speaking Spanish with the Mexican field reps here, but I haven't gotten the chance to see them too much. You have already left for your trip to Limon, but when do you start teaching? You'll have to let me know what kind of emergency shelters you are building, take a picture for me. I will get your address from Jen, I love getting REAL mail too. Take care!

  3. There was a story on the news that said babies born in the late summer or early fall grow up to be taller than those born in the winter or spring.

    Hmmm...Lizzie in September, Elz in Novemebr, Scooter in December and Mick in February.

    I don't think so.

  4. Haha!! Dad's comment is a great start to my morning :) If the exception proves the rule, right???

    They should put that question on the AIMS test with all the other ridiculousness that exists on it.

    Love you sis!
