Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday is coming...

Hello everyone!

I am officially back in Manuel Antonio enjoying the warm weather and the beach! My days here this past week have basically consisted of running and planning in the mornings and studying Spanish on the beach in the afternoons. I was finally able to meet my director today at the school and get into the classroom I will be teaching at least some of my classes in. My director seems nice and hopefully we will be able to establish a good working relationship. The classroom is really nice as well. We have a white board and a cabinet with books, stickers and school supplies past volunteers have left. It is definitely not enough to sustain my for the entire year, but it will at least help with the first couple of weeks.

School officially starts on Monday. This is also when I will be receiving my class schedule. It is difficult to plan prior to school starting when I don't know exactly what I will be teaching, but I am making do and will learn to improvise I'm sure.

I am thinking of all of you and hoping that you are doing well. Please keep me in your thoughts come Monday!


  1. Once you get into the classroom, you will transform into that incredible teacher that resides in you. You were born to teach, like your mother and sister. There are lucky kids in MA.

    I think God put you here on Earth to teach the world, a kid at a time.

    I am proud of you and will say an extra prayer Monday for you.


  2. Hey Lizzie is there an address we can send you supplies? I would love to get you some more books and stickers for your classroom
