Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So many things...

Hello everyone! Sorry I havent posted in a while but I have been super busy, which means I have a lot to tell you about.

First off, my trip to Manuel Antonio - Manuel Antonio is where I will be living starting the first of February and it is GORGEOUS! My family is amazing too. My mom is super nice and has three beautiful children. I got into MA on Saturday after a three hour bus ride from San Jose. The bus ride was a disaster. The rode is really curvy and the drivers are crazy. Although I have never had a problem with motion sickness, I was puking. Once I got there, the bus ride was worth it. Michelle and I went to the beach, which is about a 25 minute walk from where I live. It was basically what you see in pictures. The national park comes right up to a massive beach. The water is clear and just the right temperature. As you are laying on the beach, you can hear the monkies chatting in the trees. If you dont want to lay on the sand, there are hammocks strung between trees. Michelle and I ended up falling asleep for 2 hours while laying on the beach! On our walk back (all uphill) to our houses, we had mangos and fruit falling from the trees on our heads. When we looked up, we saw that the monkies were actually throwing stuff down at us. We stopped (away from the line of fire) and watched the monkies for awhile. It was amazing.

Second, Obama´s inauguration - We got to watch it! After Spanish classes on Tuesday we all went to a restaurant in town and watched his speech. I thought his speech was awesome. As I was sitting listening and watching such a great moment, I couldnt help but be thankful for the country I live in and the group of people I was with at that moment. Although I love all of my friends dearly in the states, no one seems to think quite like I do in regards to politics. It is different with the other volunteers. They all seem to have the same mentality as I do. We were cheering and had some good conversations that day at lunch. I see Tuesday as a great moment in history that will be talked about and written about in history classes and books. I always think back to the stories my elders would tell me about ¨where they were when...¨ I am excited to be able to tell my children, nephews, nieces, etc. that I was in Costa Rica as a volunteer teacher when Obama became President.

Third, I think I am starting to adjust to Costa Rican lifestyle. I have not accidently thrown toilet paper into the toilet, only then having to fish it out with my hands, all week. I have also had two hot showers in a row. My mom made empanadas for breakfast today, and although they were fried, they were delicious. I have been working out too. Last night, the other volunteers and I had a soccer tournament. I am starting to really enjoy playing soccer. My friend, Danna, and I also worked out on the plaza (soccer field) the other day. There was a pile of broken up cinder blocks which we used as weights. We attracted quite the crowd, watching and pointing, but I was sore the next day. That´s all that matters I suppose.

Next - Each year, WorldTeach volunteers are required to do one extra service project a year. Usually, this project is done as a group. This year, the other volunteers and I will be traveling to the Caribbean side of Costa Rica for earthquake relief. We will be building houses!!! Trust me, I was super excited when I heard that this is what we would be doing. We are going Feb. 3 - 8 and will be pretty much the only gringos there. We will be working alongside Tico youth to repair and build homes that were ruined in the earthquake. I am reeeaaallllyyyy excited!

In conclusion - I love you all, I´m happy for the good ol US of A that we have a president that might actually do good shit for once, and GO DEVILS AND CARDS!

Paz y Amor


  1. Devils win, Devils win!! That is now three in a row against the Mildcats. In Tucson!! ASU, ASU, ASU!!!

  2. It seems like all of you world volunteers have bus stories. Tom tells of having runny belly on a bus ride. The driver would stop and poor Tom would have to run out and go as everyone waited. You will have to ask Bean, Jimmy Lee and Ted for their bus story.

    We used to have to beg our Mexican employees at the dairy to NOT put their toilet paper in the garbage can. Cultural habits die hard.

    I don't think any of us will forget where we were when Barack took office. He has a lot to live up to but a good start was nominating an Attorney General who said unequivically, water boarding is torture. He has a tough road ahead, but I pray daily that he is up to the task.

    You building houses? Gee, imagine that. Nick is going to be so envious.

    It sounds like things are going well. I am so glad you are having a good time.

    Peace and love,

  3. your comment about obama and "where was i when it happened," is hilarious because i have been thinking the same thing. where was i when the first african american president was elected? oh yeah having some celebration beers with friends in college.

    i am glad you like the where you are staying. it sounds like a beautiful place to live. mom was telling me about the fruit falling on your head and the first thought in my head was monkeys. i just had a feeling that it was monkeys playing with you guys.

    that sucks that you had to go toilet fishing. now you know how i feel ever time mom ask me to unclog a sink drain. smells awefull right?

    cant wait to hear from you again liz. hope you keep enjoying your time, i know you will.


  4. Yeah, I think building houses on the Carribean is a much nicer backdrop than the hills of Tijuana! There is need in both however. I am looking forward to our projects in Rocky Point in a few weeks though...not quite Costa Rica, but it will do.
    Thats great that you were able to see the inauguration and as you said, your "where was I when..." makes for a great story! I was in a not as nice of a story as yours (or Mickey's!)
    Take care!

  5. Thursday night seniors miss you. Julia wants to send you a picture of her Jack and Nick. She brought you a little card, it says, "Lizzy i miss you. When will you come back to visit? Tomorrow I have a field trip. Love Julia" Then Jack brought one in saying, "I'm sorry you don't get to live in a hut, have fun teaching english. From Mr. President" We miss you around the me. Glad to hear you're having a great time

  6. Hey Lizzie, in case you are curious about life in Tijuana, I finally got around to starting my blog. Take care!

  7. Lulu,

    Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. Tonto lane is just not the same street without you.


  8. Lizzie Lu,

    I have been listening to a hip=hop artist by the name of K'Naan. He has a line in one of songs that made me think of you.

    "It's better to light a candle than complain about the darkness"

    Keep your candle burning.

    Pax Christa,


  9. Just wondering how life is in Costa Rica....
