Saturday, February 28, 2009

I need help from the states! most of you know, I am dealing with a different type of breed when it comes to kids down here in Costa Rica. They have challenged me beyond belief these past two weeks and really made me think when it comes to discipline and my attitude towards teaching. After talking with a few people, including past volunteers and my sister, I have developed a new discipline plan. The only thing is, I need help from the states. Here it is:

It is called English Shop. Basically, everyday I write the words English Shop on the board. Then, throughout the lesson, if the class gets out of control, I see objects or students go flying across the room, or I happen to be yelled at or hit in the stomach, I erase a letter. At the end of the lesson, myself and two of my students count and record how many letters they have left. This is the amount of points they have earned for that day. We will continue this until the class reaches 150 points. Then we will have English Shop. This is where I need your help!

Ticos (people from Costa Rica) LOVE fun school supplies. I have to make my kids take out one pencil and one pencil only during class otherwise we would get nothing done due to the fact that they would write every word in a different color. They also use rulers to make straight lines on EVERYTHING! I don't really understand the fascination but it is there. So what I am asking for is cool, fun and exciting school supplies. This includes things like gel pens, fun erasers, colored pencils, or anything else that it fun.

Now, my mom just tried to send me a package to see if I receive things at my house. I should be receiving them in the next 10 days or so. If and when I receive them, I will post an address you can send things to. I just wanted to put out the word so that you can start keeping your eyes out and picking stuff up. I know Target usually has some good stuff at the dollar spot or even the dollar store. I just need some good stuff because the better the first English Shop is, the easier it will be to do the second English Shop because they will know what there is to win and this will act as incentive for better behavior! Thank you all so much for you help and I will be posting an address as soon as I can!

Now, as for my week, it was better...kind of. I still definitely had challenges and i different schedule almost every single day. The kids were pretty much the same if not a little bit better. The Ministry of Education was also at our school all day on Friday looking at files and documents of kids who have been held back. Kids being held back is very common in Costa Rica. This means I have fourth graders who are supposed to be in 6th grade and 2nd graders who are supposed to be in 4th. These are usually the kids who are difficult discipline-wise. Hopefully the Ministry was able to work something out to help those kids. It will make my life easier as their teacher!

Once again, thank you for all your help! Remember, as of right now, English Shop is what is keeping me sane!

Feliz Cumpleanos mas tarde Maw Maw!

Love you all!


  1. Mary Ann has a similar "Friday Fun Day" that she writes out on the board for her student teacher classroom. I went to visit last Friday as I dropped her off for class, and saw they had "Friday Fu." Almost there! When I picked her up from school, however, they had "F." So much for the fun day that Friday! So good luck! I'm sure I could put a package together if you figure out the mailing address thing.

  2. Why don't you want kids flying across the room??

  3. I totally asked for an address three blogs ago! I would love to send you stuff. I love shopping for kids school supplies. Let us know

  4. Hi Lizzie!
    I am going to try and do a supply drive for you in my class room with MRS. B permission. I will give the supplies to your mom. I hope you have a good time on your mission in Costa Rica!

  5. Hey Lulu,

    Just thinking of you while sitting watching Two & a Half Men. I hope your week is going better. I am anxious to see you play soccer. How are your ball handling skills? Dodging flying kids in your classrooms may improve your reflexes.

    Love and miss you.


  6. missed a fun rally for education funding :) And I miss you.

  7. The Hike for the Homeless was not the same without you. I had to yell at people all by myself.

    Have fun and remember I love you.


  8. I heard you had an interesting run the other day....sounds fun...:)

  9. so new hilarious story from my AIMS of my students spilled something on his shirt, so I gave him a tide to go...well another students was like "I need that cause I've been having this bleach stain for awhile..." Um, last time I checked, bleach was reversable...hahahahahaha

  10. I mean it was NOT reversable :)

  11. Hey Lizzie,

    I am watching The Biggest Loser. It reminds me of you. So, I thought I would say hi. How's your running coming along, discounting the Oscar Meyer Weiner man. How far are you going? I think Teddy did a lot of running in Dominica also. It is a great way to clear the mind.

    ASU has to play the UofA in the first round of the PAC 10 tournament. I don't know if we can beat them three times in one year. Harden was named PAC 10 player of the year.

    Well, I hope fewer kids are flying through the air in class. Love you.


  12. For the third time this year, ASU BEATS THE CATS. We knocked them out of the Pac-10 tournament and probably out of the NCAA tournamnet which will break their 20 something year streak. James Harden scored 27 points. I was too nervous to check the score so I had Mr. Hickman tell me when it was over. It was the first time we have ever won a game in the PAC-10 tournament. FORK 'EM Devils!!!!!!!!!

  13. ASU..ASU///ASU...ASU,,,ASU...ASU///ASU
    We beat Washington in the semi-finals of the PAC 10 tournament. We play the winner of tonights USC-UCLA game tomorrow for the championship. GooooooooooooooodDevils!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I wish you were here to watch the game with me. We play your second favorite team, USC, for the Pac-10 title. It should be a good game as both schools are playing very well right now. I will be nervous so I will run on the treadmill and work-out on the eliptical to ease my nerves.

    Love you.

    ASU Pops
