Thursday, May 28, 2009

It´s been a week!

So, a couple of short little stories to let you know what I have been up to lately:

Last weekend was midservice. Yes, I know, already half way through right?!?! I had a hard time believing it too! It feels like I only just arrived. It was a great weekend though. We spent four days in San Jose catching up. We also ate amazing meals! They were great for the four days, but when I returned to Manuel Antonio my stomach was super upset. I think I am going to have a hard time adjusting to ¨real¨ food when I return to the states.

We got a cat! The other night, I was filling up my water bottle in the kitchen sink and there was a little cat sitting on our porch. It has been in the house ever since. It is super cute...not fully grown yet...and really sweet. It follows me around wherever I go and is always rubbing up against my legs. Rebeca wants to call is Tigressa (since that was the name of one of their old cats) but I am calling it Marcela. We are not even sure if it is a girl or boy, but I figure it doesn´t really matter.

I broke up a fist fight on Tuesday. Everyday this week, for about an hour and a half in the afternoons, the students running for student council are given the opportunity to campaign. This results is about an hour and a half long recess equipped with balloons and flying candy. During the ¨propoganda¨on Tuesday, two third grade girls started fighting. The fourth grade teacher broke it up and than left. About five minutes later, they started going at it again. I had to break them up this time, and decided it might be wise to seperate them a little further. It was pretty exciting stuff!

Lastly, Rebeca and I were eating soup for dinner the other night and Rebeca had ants in her soup. She would put one on her spoon, look at me and than slurp it down. Although I really did not find it that gross (I am sure I have eaten my fair share of ants since I have been here), I would react and she would crack up. We started joking that we should always eat hormiga (ant) soup. I told her that they added protein to her diet and she just looked at me like I was crazy. Who knows, maybe I am?

The bros and sis are coming down this weekend - definitely looking forward to seeing them!


  1. The gospel and sermon at Mass yesterday was about how Jesus wanted us to make the world one family. Driving through old Avondale, which is pretty poor, on the way to work afterwards, i couldn't help think we don't treat the rest of our "family" very well. When Obama wants to enact legislation that would help relieve some of the pressure on the poor, there are cries of socialism. Disregarding the economic theory for a minute, isn't socialism in its pure sense what Jesus was talking about. Maybe not everyone being equal, but certainly you wouldn't want one of your family members starving every day. This got me thinking about you and how proud I am that you are working at helping some of our less fortunate family members. I have been sad for the last couple of days just thinking about how poorly we treat so many in our world. Today's gospel was when Jesus tells Peter, "if you love me, feed my children." It is easier to go to church than it is to follow this simple instruction.

    Lizzie, I admire so much people like you who so readily put your faith into your life. I think of the incredible SS. Simon & Jude nuns who have dedicated their whole lives to helping out family members.

    Enjoy your brothers and sister and brother-in-law. I say brother-in-law but I know you guys feel about Pat the way we do about Greg. There is no in-law attached. I am so happy that you all like each others' company.

    Finally, Fr. Wondra taught us a good way to remember how to spell separate, " separate your e's with a's" Sorry, couldn't help myself.

    Ilove you so much. I am sending you a kiss of peace right now!


  2. Liz: I'm working in my office at my desk looking out the window to a black top and a scorching 100 degress plus weather. Your in Costa Rica. Pura Vida, right. Anyhow, I would echo all of Jim's comments. I'm very jealous and proud of you and of the work you've committed yourself to, not only in Costa Rica, but in building houses in Mexico, volunteering in AZ, etc. Your father is extremely proud and for good reason. Stay safe and enjoy the time with your family. Thinking of you.


  3. Hi Lizzie,
    I am so glad that Billy shared your link. I have wondered how you've been holding up. I am glad that I can live your experince through you. I have to admit, you are living my dream. Not only are you a "woman for others" but in a place that I would love to be.

    I am watching Makenna today, and she is like a sponge right now....she is learning everything so fast. It is truly a miracle.

    Liz, try not to let things get you down. I know that is easier said than done. But enjoy this time.....don't wait until you 50+++ and are too involved in the world to be able to experience and give back to the world. I just finished reading "Three Cups of Tea" a great true story how one person made a change in the world....You're in good company.

    God Bless You and Peace!
    P.S. I know you will enjoy the time with your "sibs".....
