Saturday, May 9, 2009

ah, so much going on!

So much to tell everyone about! Where to begin, where to begin???

First off, the other volunteers and I went rafting last weekend and it was amazing! We got a super good deal because we were volunteers (and awesome, really) and had a blast. The river we went on was a mix of class III and IV rapids. The first day we rafted for about two hours and then came to our camp site. We had lunch and then went on a hike to a waterfall. After getting to the waterfall, a few of us decided to hike up and around the waterfall. The guide said it was dangerous because it was so slippery so only a few of us went - and it was worth it! We hiked through a couple of other waterfalls and saw the most amazing wildlife ever! After our hike, we went back to the camp site for dinner and free drinks (told you it was a good deal). The next morning, we played cards all morning and then another couple of hours on the river. It was my first time ever rafting and I have to say, it is something I wouldn't mind doing again!

Today I also had my first "surf lesson". Basically I went to the beach with a couple of girls from TEFL that I had met over a month ago. We were laying next to the surf school and I decided to go into the ocean. I had been in the ocean for about 5 minutes when one of the surf instructors comes out with a board and tells me to get on it. I "surfed" for a little while after that with a little (ok, a lot) of help from the instructor (found out later his name was Justin). I only was able to stand up on the board a couple of times and definitely got thrown around by the waves more than once, but it was awesome! Best thing is, I didn't have to pay him and he told me to come back tomorrow for more! I'll be sure to keep you updated on my progress, although I have a feeling it might be slow.

After my surf lesson, there was a cafesito (basically in Costa Rica, people drink coffee and eat a lot of pastries for about an hour every afternoon) at my school. I went and witnessed a four year old giving one of my fourth graders the finger. Ah, gotta love it! haha.

That's it for now. I guess I didn't have a TON to tell you all! I'll keep you updated!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Biggest Loser finale is on. Combined, the contestants lost almost a ton. Mick is watching with me. We will see if he get's up and works out during the middle.

    Billy Hickman was looking at our Costa Rica pictures today and remarked how you have no body fat at all. I told him how much you ran every day.

    Hope all is well. You know I love and miss you.

