Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not the best weekend...

Well, I guess disappointments (sp?) happen all over the world. This weekend was supposed to be the weekend I went into San Jose and ran a 10k with my director and the other volunteer living with me in Manuel Antonio. By Wednesday, both of them said they would not be running, but I really wanted to do it so figured I would go into San Jose and run the race solo. I told my director, who lives in San Jose, because she was going to have to sign me up for it. She said she would sign me up and drop my race entry off at the hostel I would be staying at. When I arrived at the hostel, there was no entry and no response when I tried to call her. I continued to call her throughout the night, only to get transferred to an answering machine. I figured I would still go down to the place of the race and see if I could sign up there or if they had some type of record proving I had signed up. When I got down there in the morning, my name was not on the list and I could not sign up the morning of. So I went back to the hostel thinking I would try calling my director one more time to see if she knew what was going on. No answer. I am guessing she just forgot to sign me up which sucks. To make matters worse, upon arriving at the hostel, I had free internet (which is good, yes) but received more than one disturbing e-mail about things going on back in the states. I had a nice healthy cry in the shower back at the hostel this morning. A cry provoked by frustrations with my director, news from home and hormones (sorry boys).

I keep telling myself that this weekend was not a complete waste and not all bad. I got a good dinner and breakfast, took a hot shower and met a couple of nice people at the hostel. I need to remember these things and try not to get hung up on the negatives.

Still, if anyone has a good story or good news from home, I could use some cheering up.


  1. The good news is that you are a part of a family who loves each other and helps when one hurts. That help may just be letting everyone know you care. In a world where such love is rare, most problems can be met. We look for opportunity in adversity. An opportunity to chnage courses which will bring success and happiness in the future. Life is full of bumps, some of our own making and some thrust upon us, But the manner in which we meet these bumps, in how we help each other by letting each other know we care about them, that is what defines us.

    I'm sorry about your run. But the opportunity will come agian. I hope you can make a difference with Jenny. maybe that is why the fates have put you in Rosio's house.

    I miss you, Lulu. But I know you are making a difference. If you get a chance, read Obama's speech at Notre Dame. He gives me hope'

  2. 1 more week of school...that is good news. I am coming to see you in two weeks..more good news. I held two healthy babies this weekend...and celebrated the life of another on its way. I had a delicious Piadini from Starbucks cause we had nothing at home for breakfast...more good news :) Lots of good things happening too...and a healthy cry is good for you. Boo about the run ;( I am impressed that you were gonna even attempt it...Enjoy the week & See you soon...xoxoxoxo
