Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hey All!!!

I know I have not posted in a while and for all you ¨regular¨blog checkers, I am sorry. The sibs were in town last week and so I did not make it to the internet. We were too busy taking underwater photos and trying to find cheap drinks (easier said than done, trust me!). I almost didn´t come to the internet today in efforts to save 1 mil, but being faced with the option of checking e-mails and facebook or staying in the classroom and working, I chose to splurge.

Teaching has gotten a lot better (keep praying that it stays that way) due to the bribing I have been doing with the school supplies sent down by SSJ´s fifth grade class (now sixth grade!). Thank you again! I did have to break up two fist fights yesterday, though. I think there must have been a full moon or something. I had two second graders (a girl and a boy) get into it as I was walking out the door at the end of class. They were pretty easy to break up because they were young. Later that day, I had two sixth grade boys get into it, throwing desks and everything. I was a little less willing to get in the middle of that one, but I ended up not getting hurt so all is good. Things are always interesting...

Rebeca, Jenny, Luis and I have been making jewelry the past couple of nights. My sibs brought down a bunch of beads and my host siblings love it. After dinner, we sit around the kitchen table and make all sorts of things. They are really cute too, because they always ask me if some color combination is ugly or not before they actually start stringing the beads.

Tomorrow is Friday and I am looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend at the beach (hopefully no rain). I hope everyone has had a great first couple of weeks of summer! I love hearing from you so please keep commenting! Chaoito!

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