Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

So, this past Sunday was the first time I went to church since I was in Orosi (my first month here...yikes!). I woke up super early on Sunday morning and decided to go for a run. While running, I had a sudden urge to go to mass. This is weird, I know. Although I would go every Sunday while living in the States, I think it was sometimes more out of habit than anything else. After looking at my watch, I realized I would have time to finish my run, take a quick shower and catch the 8:30 bus into Quepos in time to make the 9:00 mass.

When I arrived at the church, it was a lot bigger than I had expected. The pews didn't all match, which I loved. It gave the church a very "humble" feel. There were also a bunch of white plastic chairs on the sides of the church. These chairs were needed too! By the time mass started, every seat was taken. Mass was packed! It was definitely nice to see such a full church, especially after many months of attending a not even half full mass at SSJ.

I knew that I had made the right decision to come to mass after hearing the first song. It was very simple, and accompanied with clapping (as most of the songs were that morning). The words went as so:

la misa is una fiesta muy algre
la misa is una fiesta con Jesus

Translation: the mass is a very happy celebration/the mass is a celebration with Jesus

I just loved the simplicity of the song and the fact that it was sung by three women who really did not have the greatest voices in the world. The clapping made it perfect. As I was riding the bus back into Manuel Antonio after mass, I was thinking that this song would make a nice little prayer is you replaced the words "la misa" with "mi vida".

My life.


  1. That simplicity is why I like morning Mass at St. John Vianney. The singing is so offkey it is cool. The church and altar are so much simpler than SSJ. We went to Sr. Anna's funeral on Tuesday, with 15 priests, two bishops, incense incessantly. The next day, I was back in simple Avondale. It helps remind me that Jesus was a simple person. I think he would shake his head at some of the things people do to celebrate Him.

    Frieste a correr hoy?

  2. Lizzie

    Saw your mom and dad at Bethany's wedding on Saturday. They said you are becoming the Animal Planet expert with all of your scorpions and spiders and iguanas --- loved the picture of you and your iguanuian roomate !!!! Call Dan Casey when you go to San Jose!!! All our best wishes,

    Bob + Kathy

  3. I am dreaming of the beach in Costa Rica...and instead am looking at the future of America...sigh
