Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Scorpion Experience

So, I have quite the story for everyone. During Semana Santa my host family went to San Jose, so I had the house to myself. I was sitting at the kitchen table one night writing in my journal and happened to look up towards the ceiling (deep in thought I am sure) and saw two of the hugest scorpions I have ever seen in my entire life! They were sitting right where the ceiling and the wall meet. I did not know what to do (and didn't want them crawling through my bedroom window which is right below where they were) so I went across the street to my host aunt and uncles house and told them about it. They came over to see them and told me exactly how dangerous they were. Great. Then my host uncle and some other guy (I am still not sure if he is related or not) went back to their houses to fetch these long poles with small pitchfork things attached to the end. They, evidently, were going to try and spear the scorpions. After standing on the kitchen table and stools and an "uno, dos, tres" countoff, they lunged towards the scorpions with their pitckforks. And missed. The scorpions scurried back into our roof (we have hollow beams that run through our roof) dissappearing out of sight. Fantastic. There are two monster scorpions running around the house and I am home alone. Luckily, my host uncle sprayed the crap out of the roof with a very toxic bug spray (I ended up having to leave the house because it smelled horrible) and closed my bedroom windows. I have not seen them since, but I walk around with shoes on all the time now just in case they are waiting on the floor and constantly look up towards their "home". I have not doubt that they will return. I think I need to make a pitchfork...


  1. Well, we heard variations that had the scorpions as big as Pinky, her host family's chirhuara and as small as a common wood scorpion. Not that Lizzie is likely to exaggerate, but.........

    Mary Anne and I had a most amazing week with one of our most amazing kids. I thought numerous times just how lucky we are to have such kids. We are so proud of all of you.

    After watching Elz go to Thailand and Liz in Costa Rica, I do believe that a year in service to mankind should be a requirement of all. I am confident that because of our family there are people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Phillipines, Dominica, Thailand and Costa Rica who have a more positive image of USA youths than there would have been without all of you.

    I am so proud of you all and love to brag about all of you.

  2. I LOVE my pens...thank you, thank you, thank you!! I can't believe that they have them there...thanks for thinking of me :)

  3. Lizzie, I saw your mom today after a Safer 3 presentation Skinner and I gave. The three of us talked about you for 15 minutes or so. Good times. I need to catch up on your blog but I read this last one. Awesome stuff. Vanessa is always asking the Thursday night Srs if they have anything for her to post on here but I don't know if they've given her anything. Don't get stung. -Simon
