Friday, April 10, 2009

¨Spring Break¨

I have been hearing lots of wonderful stories about everyone´s Spring Breaks and I am jealous! I have been on what is kind of like a Fall Break for us this past week but have been taking a class the entire week so it has not been all that relaxing or fun. A few of the other volunteers came down for the course, though, which has been nice. It has been great getting to talk with them and hear of their experiences in the classroom. It has also been difficult hearing of their experiences because they are so different from what I am experiencing due to the difference in site placements. The other sites are much smaller and do not have near the amount of discipline problems as the bilingual sites. One of the other volunteers that came for the class this week is from the other bilingual site. It has been nice to talk to her; I felt like she and I could really relate with one another.

The parentals are coming on Sunday and I am super excited! It will be nice to have them here and be able to show them around my ¨home¨. It will also be interesting to hear their opinions of Manuel Antonio and the school. I feel like my opinions are a little bit biased - it will be cool to be able to hear the opinion of an outsider/tourist.

Looking at my calendar, life is going to be busy until about July. Michelle and I get to go visit the other bilingual site in La Fortuna and the two volunteers at that site will come visit us. We also may have a possible rafting trip coming up and then mid-service at the end of May. My sister and Pat may be visiting in the beginning of June and then I have two weeks off in July. After July, things slow waaaay down and I have a feeling this is when I will start to get really bored. Until then, I am enjoying not having to teach this week and plan on hitting the beach all day tomorrow and then again on Sunday with my parents.

I hope everyone is doing well back in the states! Send me your updates - I love hearing from you!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I a sooooo jelous.....I wish I was there too :) I remember when mom and grandma came; it reinfoced a couple of far I had come in adjusting (or not) and that I was NOT crazy, Thailand was!! Anyway, I hope you guys have a great time and that you enjoy sharing your new home. Can't wait to get to see it myself. Love you
