Saturday, January 10, 2009

En Orosi

Hola amigos! so, as i am sure many of you have heard, Costa rica had an earthquake a couple of days ago. it was our first day of training and made for one muy interesante afternoon. we were actually on the 5th floor of the clinica biblica, hospital, when it happened. it was definitely and odd sensation to have the entire building shake. leilani, my field director, said it was probably a good thing we were in the building we were because it was only built four years ago. this means it is built with current technological advances and such. it was definitely exciting though.

the food here is very different then that in the US. almost everything is fried and there is a TON of beans and rice. there is pinto gallo, which is beans, rice and a dulce chile sauce, for breakfast. then beans and rice with some type of fried something for lunch and then beans and rice with chiken for dinner. they also have this powder, kind of like tang but waaaay sweeter, that they add to their water every meal. my family thinks i am muy loco because i only drink water. in fact, they even tell all their friends that i dont drink anything but water and i get very strange looks. apparently water is not too popular here.

tomorrow morning los voluntarios y yo are going on this hike with a crazy man that lives in the forest (mickey) up to some amazing waterfall. i am super excited for it. it costs 1000 colones (2 bucks) and they said it would probably be best if we did not all pay him on the same day because he would just use all the money for alcohol. he gives hikes-tours as a career i think...

the people in the town of orosi are super nice. it is a town that is known for its language schools so they have gringos here all the time. most of the families living here have had at least one gringo live with them before. i am the fifth to live with mi familia.

so far, i have seen no crazy bugs, eaten anything crazy (lots of beans and rice) or done anything out of the ordinary. i am continuing to improve in my spanish (thank goodness) and we have not even started spanish classes yet. we start those next week.

hope everyone is doing well at home. the weather here is gorgeous! muchos amor!!!!


  1. Lizzie -
    The picture of Manuel Antonio brought back some very fond memories - I don't think you could point your camera in a direction that wouldn't fill your lens with a beautiful, interesting or otherwise worthy shot. I think you'll get used to, and even learn to love, pinto gallo and plantains. I think Ted still fixes 'em sometimes. Hope you hike to the waterfall was fun and that "Micky" was just crazy enough to add to the adventure. Lizzie, you're already done so much in your life, I think your year in MA is a great next wave of experiences. I'll look forward to following your adventure.

    Pura Vida/Paz

  2. Although my appears as Unclejim, on this blog it should be Daddyjim. I am proud to be both. I think it is so cool that you are following in the footsteps of your uncles and cousins and sister and Pat and are showing to the world that not all Americans carry guns and that there are young Americans who want to make the world a better place through peaceful coexistence. You have already done that south of the border with your Mexico trips. I think often of what that one guy down there said to Scooter about how he thought all young Americans were rich, drunk and inconsiderate. he told Scoot how nice it was to see a different side of Americans. And now you are continuing that quest in Cost Rica. I think this experience will forever make you close to costa Ricans. I know Tom still reads the Liberian newspaper and follows what happens over there. It is almost as if you become part of the country, or it becomes a part of you. I hope you are meeting lots of people and making a ton of new friends. They are what makes us who we are.

    Pax Christa,

    Your proud padre

  3. Out of curiosity, was your guide actually named Mickey or were you alluding to our brother that also gets lost in the forest for shits and gigs? Tell your family hi from the crazies back home :) And enjoy the weather before the rainy season. Send pics ASAP!

  4. Lizzie,

    It sounds as though you are settling in quite nicely. Ted and greg talk so fondly of their time in Costa Rica. What a wonderful opportunity in a wonderful place. Savor every minute. So very proud of your taking a leap and doing something a bit outside your element.
    Aunt Mary
