Friday, August 21, 2009

adventures in showering

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I understand that the new school year has officially started back in the States which is exciting! Hopefully everyone is happy to be back at work/school and enjoying their new students/classes.

I am officially back in Manuel Antonio. Last week, I was up in La Fortuna visiting two other volunteers that teach at the other bilingual school there. La Fortuna was gorgeous! It is located right at the base of an active volcano and has numerous hot springs to visit! We were able to see the volcano only one of the days we were there, though, due to clouds. The day it did make its appearance, though, was amazing! There was actually smoke coming out of the top of it! Crazy, huh? I guess they weren´t kidding when they said it was an active volcano! We also went to one of the natural hot springs. These were amazing as well. The school itself was much like ours - crazy children! haha.

As for me, my students are doing well. I think I am more cut out to teach older children, though. Although I think my second graders are cute, I am never too excited to go into their class. I do love teaching my fourth and sixth graders though. I find their little attitudes to be amusing and hilarious!

And now I need to tell you all about the little excitement I had this morning. I was taking a shower after my run and had just started washing my face. I had my eyes closed when I felt what I thought was a hair on my leg. I almost just let it be. Than I felt the hair crawling up my leg. This was NOT normal! I looked down, and there was a huge cockroach climbing up my leg! UGH!!!! You all would be proud. I did not scream. I did bat the thing off me, though, as quick as I could. So gross! I have to say, I thought coming to Costa Rica would help me get over my disgust for bugs. It hasn´t. Although I am not nearly as squirmish (I used to not even use the bathroom if there was a cockroach in there - now I am showering with them!), I still despise the things! But, yes. So much for it only being a hair.

That´s really about it, I suppose. Things are pretty tranquilo around here. I am looking forward to spending a weekend at the beach. Pray for no rain!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Lizzie! I think I would have died! I hate bugs, spiders, bees, etc! And after so many years of being single I have learned to do my own "killing"! But in the shower???!!!

    Sounds like you have settled in nicely just in time to come home - yeah! We look forward to having you back in the USA soon - I know your mom is so excited to have you home for Christmas! I think Stanley told me the last time I was over how excited he was too!!

    Love to follow and read your blog - thanks bunches for sharing with all of us!

    Love, Aunt Geri
