Friday, July 24, 2009


I had a dream in Spanish!!! The funny thing about having the dream was that I didn't even realize it had happened in a different language until a few hours after I had woken up and was thinking about the dream. Only than did I realize that the whole thing happened in Spanish! I was super excited.

Other than that, my vacation has come to an end. We had three weeks off (thank you MEP) and I will now be returning back to my site this afternoon. I had an amazing three weeks, though. I went to Montezuma, Bocas del Toro, Panama City and Puerto Viejo. I got to see a lot of gorgeous beaches and spend time with great people. I also visited the Panama Canal, which was really awesome. Although there were quite a few bus hours (the bus from Panama City to San Jose took almost 20 hours!), they were all worth it. I have posted most of the pictures on facebook (minus the ones from Panama City and Puerto Viejo - those will have to come later). If you don't have a facebook, you either need to get one or borrow a friends!

But yes, today I will be returning to Manuel Antonio. Although I don't really want to go back to work, I am also kind of excited to get back in the classroom. I am sure the kids are going to be completely out of it for the first few days, so that should be interesting. I am hoping they have at least remembered some of what I taught them. I also am looking forward to getting back into my routines. Although I love traveling around the country and seeing different things, it is always nice to return home. I also need to start running again. I haven't run in almost three weeks and have been eating lots of wonderful food! I think I may have picked up a few lb's these past few weeks! The mountain in Manuel is going to kick my butt for a few days, I'm sure.

I hope everyone is enjoying their last few weeks of summer vacation. It is weird to think that people in the states are already finishing their summer vacation and getting ready to go back to school!

I love and miss you all!

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