Thursday, August 27, 2009

smack that

So, the other day I was taking me daily run when something rather surprising happened. I was almost to the beach, which is where I usually turn around, when all of a sudden I felt something smack my butt. A car of about 4 or 5 Ticos had driven by, and the one sitting in the passenger seat had reached out and smacked my butt with his baseball hat! Talk about being surprised. The funny thing was, though, I wasn't offended and my first reaction was not to give him the naughty finger. Instead, I was just surprised the car was able to get as close as it did to me without actually hitting me! I think I have officially been desensitized to all things rude, crude and male. My self esteem is definitely going to plummett when I return home and walk down the street without hearing a couple cat calls. Oh, the drama...

Than, I have my sixth graders on Tuesdays right after they have P.E. Yes, they always smell absolutely delicious when they walk into my classroom. Usually, they try and mask their odors by spraying about a half a bottle of cologne on. I try and persuade them with the less is more approach, but they just aren't buying it. This past Tuesday, I had one boy spray about a half a bottle of Chocolate Axe on himself. Who even knew Axe had a chocolate flavor? Nuts... And than he tries to tell me, "Que rico, teacher, que rico". No, Jared, not que rico. ugh...


  1. hahaha this made me chuckle. just lettin you know i'm keepin up so keep writing. oh man 3 months left? im glad things sound like there goin great for you. SSJ things are goin good despite having to wrk around these budget cuts. we have great kids involved in all our youth stuff and i'm excited for mexico en novembre. South Africa in june was amazing. It couldn't have gone more perfect. Right now it looks like it's gunna be a regular thing so be excited. We (SSJ young adults) helped build three little mexico-like houses that are now home to about 5 orphans each, and a house mother/father each. construction was hard. harder than mexico I would say. we built with these styrofoam lego type blocks and filled the hollow walls in with cement then stuccoed the outside. We stayed at the orphanage camping in one corner of the property. we volunteered alongside other african youths and and people who lived at the orphanage. It was a great trip all around and its always good to give people a good impression of catholics. we also went to a baptist service in a circus tent in the hood where jen was expected to preach infront of this huge croud but she just said thank you after being introduced and handed off the mic to somebody else real quick. sry im blogging on your blog. some people wanted to know a lil about africa and ur dad suggested I leave it in a comment. good luck with ur last couple months. God Bless.
    -Joe Bonanno

  2. Thanks for writing Joe. We are so incredibly proud of all of you. You guys are making the difference in a world that is in such need. I believe more than any politician, it is the Lizzie's and the Joey's who are going to change the world. I can just imagine how many little orphans Joey had hanging on him!
