Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks...

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last updated so I would like to begin with an apology to all of you serious blog readers. The past couple of weeks have been super busy, but as of 11:00a yesterday, I am officially on vacation!!! We have 2 (much needed) weeks of vacation from school. I will be spending the 2 weeks in Montezuma and Panama with a few of my fellow WorldTeachers. I am excited to spend some time away from my site, relaxing, eating some good food and hanging out with some amazing people. Stories about the vacation in my next posting, though. Today, I want to share a couple of funny (or at least what I find funny) stories from the past couple of weeks.

As all of you know, Father's Day was on June 21st. A couple of days after Father's Day, an announcement was passed around for all of the teachers to read and sign. We get these announcements on a semi-regular basis. They usually let us know about meetings, Acto Civicos, etc. This one was for a Father's Day party we would be having for the first grade teacher, Geison. I didn't think Geison was a father, so I asked a fellow Tica teacher about it. She said that no, he wasn't a father, but he was a guy (and could potentially be a father some day?). And that was that. We had a Father's Day party for Geison.

Then, this past week, I was sitting in the English classroom while the English grammar teacher was teaching 4th grade. They were talking about different ailments that one may have and the remedies for such ailments. There was the normal "if you have a toothache, go to the dentist" and "if you have a stomachache, drink some tea". There was also "if you are angry, eat some fruits and vegetables". Hmph. Who knew?

Well, those are the two best stories from the past couple of weeks. Hopefully you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed living them. I do need to give a quick shout-out to Lauren Evans, Andrea Tassi and my mom. They all have had birthdays in the past couple of weeks. Do me a favor, and if you see any of them, give them a big birthday smooch for me!


  1. You didn't impart on your students the best food cure of all? Just ask Mickey. Diarrhea-rice, diarrhea-rice

  2. Nice dad! I think about that often, not sure why??? Miss all of you...xoxoxoxoxoxo

  3. Hey Lizzie,
    Pat Sunderhaus here checking in. Great to hear the funny stories. Life is great here. Summer is summer as you know. Hot and stinking hotter! We miss you!!!
