Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

First of all, Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there (especially my dad <3 )!

This is going to be a short blog only because I don't have a ton to tell you. The week has flown by and I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday already! Crazy!!

I do have a funny story about one of my 6th graders, though. We have a Writer's Workshop every week where the kids draw a picture one day, write things about the picture the next and than write a paragraph on the last day. One of my 6th grader, Mariana (who happens to be one of my most challenging students as well), drew me (yes, I was flattered). The next day she was writing sentences about her picture and one of her sentences said, "The teacher has skin the color of milk." The funny thing is, Mariana, like many Ticos, is very light skinned. In fact, her skin is lighter than mine right now just because I have been spending some time on the beach. I was laughing when I pointed this out to her. I do not think she was nearly as amused by the whole thing as I was.

Only a couple of more weeks until we have two weeks off of school...I am looking forward to the break! Hope everyone's summers are going well so far...


  1. I will miss your smile on pops day, but I will look at one of the pictures of you five in CR and feel good. You all make me a very happy and proud daddy.

  2. HI lizzie,

    I have seen all the pics of you and your folks visiting you and just recently saw the pics of your latest visitors - your sibs! You all spent a lot of time in the pool! Awesome pics and looked like great fun! I have been following your blog all along. I know your family misses you very much!

    You look healthy and happy and I enjoy exploring a part of the world I probably will never experience. Thanks for the unselfish time you have devoted to humanity. You and your sister are both to be admired for your humanitarian duties.

    Lots of love from "cat" country!!! (do you think this will stir up some trouble?)

    Love, Geri

  3. I'm jealous of your costa rican tan.

  4. Hey!
    Did you post pictues somewhere? I will email you soon... hope you are well!!!
