Sunday, November 15, 2009

just some thoughts

Brace yourself, I am about to sound a but poetic.

As I was running along the beach this morning, I looked behind me and, for the first time, noticed I was leaving footprints behind in the sand. Although I think I was always aware that my shoes left prints, I never actually saw them. Than I got to thinking - how poetic and/or metaphoric is that image? People leave footprints behind wherever they walk in life, yet may very rarely realize it.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my last week of actual teaching and it is not even a full week; I am finished as of 10am on Thursday. Than the following week, I teach Monday and Tuesday and then head to Orosi (which is where we had orientation for a month in the beginning of the year) for our End of Service meeting. After that, I am back in Manuel Antonio until the 20th or 21st of December. I will not actually be teaching the month of December, though. We do what they call ¨workshops¨ which is basically arts and crafts. This means more prep work for me, but I am also excited. It will hopefully be a nice time to have fun with my students before I leave. They are definitely what I am going to miss the most. Well, them and the beach. haha.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. I can´t wait to get back and share my stories and hear what everyone has been up to for the past 11 months! I am expecting lots of lunch and dinner dates so prepare yourselves!

Have a great Monday tomorrow !

amor para todos


  1. Leaving footprints doesn't just mean we make impressions on those we come in contact with but also we are changed ourselves by those contacts. You will be defined in part by your experiences in CR. And I am sure there are some people there who will never forget you.

    I cannot wait to see you again. Watching the Devils lose, like they did again yesterday, would be less painfull if you were here to watch them with me.

    Enjoy the beach and everything else down there.


  2. In honor of the New Moon movie coming out tomorrow, Kellis is having a Team Edward v. Team Jacob contest...for $.25, students can cast a vote and winner will be announced tomorrow :) Gotta love High School....I will let you know who wins...

  3. Another Saturday, another ASU loss. This time to UCLA.
